Why did I receive a consumer notification letter?

Your Town of Shirley has signed a contract with a Dynegy, a Competitive Supplier, on behalf of the Community Electric Aggregation Program.   

Why haven't I received a consumer notification letter?

You will not receive a Consumer Notification Letter if National Grid has your account listed as being contracted with a Competitive Supplier or if you have requested a “Supplier Block” on your account so that it is removed from all supplier marketing lists.   

How will being a part of this program affect me?

You will receive a rate procured on behalf of the program, as opposed to National Grid’s basic service rate.  The Electric Aggregation rate is currently lower than the rate supplied by National Grid.  Otherwise you will not see any changes.  You will still receive 1 electric bill from National Grid, but the name and rate under “supplier services” will change. 

National Grid will still read all the meters and provide all maintenance to the electric distribution infrastructure.  You will still have all the same consumer rights and protection you had prior to the creation of the electric aggregation program. 

What do I need to do to participate in this program?

Nothing, unless you opt-out using the consumer notification card you will be enrolled in the program. 

What should I do if I have another competitive supplier and want to enroll in the program?

You should review the contract you have on file with the competitive supplier.  In many cases there are exit and/or termination fees that can be costly.  You should consult your current supplier to make sure you can enroll in the most cost effective manner. 

Can I participate in the program if I have not received a consumer notification letter?

Yes, if you are a Shirley ratepayer and want to participate in the electric aggregation program you should contact the Town’s supplier directly, or send an email to shirleyelectricagg@gmail.com with the name, service address and National Grid account number and Gridsmart Energy, the Town’s consultant, with help facilitate the enrollment. You can also call Gridsmart Energy directly at (351) 217-0952.

What if I do not want power from this supplier?

You should opt-out of the program by returning the opt-out card.  You may choose any supplier; a list of approved suppliers can be located at the Department of Public Utilities website. 

What if I decide I want to opt-out after 30 day initial opt-out period?

You may opt out at any time, it should take 2 billing cycles or less to see the supplier change noted on your National Grid bill.  There is no charge implemented by the program to exit and go back to basic service.  National Grid may assess a reconciliation charge to go back to basic service.  You can opt out of the program by calling the Town’s supplier, Dynegy, (866) 220-5696 or email DESCustCare@Dynegy.com.  You may also call Gridsmart Energy at (351) 217-0952 or email shirleyelectricagg@gmail.com if you have questions.

How is the reconciliation charge determined?

The reconciliation charge will vary depending on when you “switch” back to basic service and what the rate is at the time you choose to leave the program.   

What if I have already chosen a competitive supplier?

You will not be enrolled in the program. That is a pre-existing contract and thus automatic enrollment will not be allowed. If you have a completive supplier and received a Consumer Notification form you should opt-out. 

What if I am on a budget plan or low-income delivery rate?

You will continue to receive those benefits from National Grid. 

Will I still be eligible for Mass Save programs and services?

Yes, you will continue to be eligible for those services and incentives, which are sponsored by National Grid. 

What if I am "tax exempt", what do I need to maintain my status under this program?

In order to maintain your tax exempt status for your electric bill, you must send a copy of your Small Business Energy Exemption (“Form SBE”) directly to Dynegy, the Competitive Supplier chosen by the Town of Shirley. 

What if I have solar panels on my residence or business?

Net Metering and/or SMART will work the same way with the Electric Aggregation Program You will continue to receive your net metering or SMART credits as you had previouslyNational Grid will still credit your account. 

How long will the program last?

The current procurement has a fixed rate through December of 2025.

Are savings guaranteed?

No, National Grid’s “basic service” rate changes 2 times a year.  There is a possibility the aggregation rate could be higher, at least for part of the year.  What the program does provide is rate stability, with the goal of providing savings over the term of the contract.